Can the Aging Process Be Prevented? 6 Proven Anti-Aging Tips of All Time Can the Aging Process Be Prevented? 6 Proven Anti-Aging Tips of All Time

Can the Aging Process Be Prevented? 6 Proven Anti-Aging Tips of All Time

Can the Aging Process Be Prevented? 6 Proven Anti-Aging Tips of All Time Can the Aging Process Be Prevented? 6 Proven Anti-Aging Tips of All Time

When you mark the milestone of turning 25, several things happen to you, and one of them is that your skin starts to age visibly. It might be unnoticeable when the first wrinkle, fine line, or sag appears on your skin surface, but it becomes visible with time as your skin loses elasticity and begins to sag.

As much as you would wish against, your skin will age for several reasons, most times naturally. While nature takes its course, some factors can contribute to premature skin aging.

A healthy approach to skincare and lifestyle practices can prevent premature aging and its signs, just as a poor practice can increase them.

How does the skin aging process work?

A sign of skin aging shows on the surface, but aging takes place at different levels in every layer of your skin. Let us look at several skin layers where aging takes place.

Epidermal layers

When your epidermal layers age, they become less efficient in self-healing and repair and also become more sensitive to sun damage.

Reduced sebum production on the surface makes it more prone to dryness. Water content loss also contributes to its dryness, while a slow cell regeneration process speeds the skin aging process. Lower immunity levels also increase the dangers of skin infections and make for slower repairs and healing processes.

Dermal layers

As our skin ages, the elasticity levels reduce, wrinkles form, and the skin becomes more prone to dryness. Our skin cells also become weak at binding in water.

A reduction in micro-circulation affects the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin surface, thereby leading to dull and less youthful skin. Your skin cells also become weaker as you age and become more likely to suffer broken capillaries and other damages.

Beginning when you turn 25, the collagen in your skin begins to undergo a reduction by 1% yearly. This decline also coincides with a reduction in elastin and leads to a disorganization of the dermal tissue.

Once your skin structure experiences disorganization, you are more prone to see wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of skin aging.

Subdermal layers

Some notable changes that occur in the deeper layers of your skin include a reduction in the number and size of cells that store lipid in your adipose layer.

When these changes occur, your skin begins to lose volume and sag. The resultant effects are hollow cheeks, wrinkled skin, and temples.


6 tips to protect and preserve aging skin

Although we wish we could stay young forever, our skin begins to show signs of aging as we count the years. Sometimes, we cannot correct this process by skincare products that we used in previous years. The reason is that the change is natural and is bound to play out.

However, you can protect your skin and help it look as youthful as possible. Here are six sure tips to help you achieve it.

1.    Moisturize your skin

Never hop out of the shower and into your clothes without moisturizing your skin.

Use a skin moisturizer, good body oil, or thick body cream to seal in moisture, soothe the skin, and prevent dryness.

When shopping for skin moisturizers, look for skin moisturizer and face oil contain like rosehip oil, jojoba oil, camellia oil, vegetable glycerin, or hyaluronic acid. These ingredients moisturize and nourish skin, to help skin looks and feels its best.

Get a moisturizer for your face based on your skin type. You can also add a good face oil to your moisturizer for optimal effect.

2.    Protect your skin

Excessive exposure to sunlight will damage your skin and cause it to age prematurely, hence, the need to shield your skin from the sun whenever you go out. You should get an SPF 30 and above sunscreen for your skin, especially the one that falls within the UVA and UVB protection spectrum.

You can also resort to using hats and sunglasses if the situation supports such. Sun damage promotes wrinkles and fine lines, so protect your skin to avoid it.

3.    Use Mild Skincare Products

When you shop for skincare products, avoid those that contain alcohol and strong fragrance as they can further dry out your skin. If you want to use anti-aging products, ensure you apply sunscreen when using products contain alpha-hydroxy acid and retinoids. These ingredients are damaging and can cause skin irritation without proper care.

4.    Use Hand gloves

While you are getting hats and glasses for your face, consider getting gloves to protect your hands from dryness and wrinkling, especially in the middle of winter and when driving long distance expose your hands to UV rays. Exposing your hand to harsh weather conditions and sun rays will speed up the skin aging process.

5.    Avoid Smoking

It might come as a surprise, but smoking causes premature skin aging and wrinkling by reducing blood flow, leaving the skin with a patchy appearance. Smoking also causes other diseases that can negatively affect the skin.

6.    Reduce Water Temperature

Hot water is bad for your skin because it sheds off the natural oil from your skin. If you don't like a cold bath, always make the water temperature warm.

Final Thoughts

Life is practically a race against time, and your skin is on this race too. Maintain the best skincare practices to prevent, protect, and manage skin aging.  

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